Rebellion der Träumer* is once again lightening the load of the contemporary frenzy. Join us on this ecstatic journey over 24 hours! ○○○ Apart from all the little deeds we do every day and the work we put into ourselfs to become better friengs & partners it's not always easy to stay optimistic. We're steadily reminded that there is always more that we can do. Yet it is important to take care of one self, connect with our environement and community. To not get lost in the responsibilities of our era. So to form a space where we can reset and recharge our batteries we invited beloved friengs and artists we admire!̸
Ahmed Eid // ILYF
Annett Gapstream b2b Baba The Knife
Antoine Baiser
Damon Jee das maer face* flave fu.le
Kaufmann b2b
Leon Licht
lisa luka Los Cabra *live
Martha van Straaten
Milo Minoa *live
Pauli Pocket
Rochelle Baz
Sahra Bass Sakuri *live TASTY
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